so the scoop for fall is that o'suz plans to sell more accessories, like in the old fact, jessica is headed up to new york for a whirlwind trip next sunday, on which she hopes to find some new fresh lines. while we will continue to carry hobo, fluffy co, highway,jenna rose and kit+lili, as well as figs and ginger, polli, susan fleming, molly m, m.e. moore, lucid and laurel denise, we are hoping to add to that line up. we especially love our favorite textile lines like: moontea, flowie and lotta jansdotter as well as the canvas bags that have won our hearts like shinzi katoh and funtote. we have noticed fewer vendors headed up for the show though so hopefully a few new lines there will be speak to us and find a home in o'suz come fall. if you have any suggestions of lines that would be a fit please shout out to our email. we love vegan lines but sell some leather. we also like to stumble upon hair accessories like nadeshieko's hair clips. stay posted for when we post what we found and a few pics from the show!!!!! have fun jessica, wish i was coming.