Monday, May 3

mum, mom, mama....

We love our moms and we know you do to, so check out some the great mom's day gifties and cards we have below. You still have about a week left to treat your momma to something super special so swing on by. we can ship stuff too if you are desperate.

archipelago candles in lots of scents and sizes. all soy and are perfect to warm her heart and home:

beautea organics for body and home are also perfect gifts for mom, because what's better than letting her treat herself to a little pampering.

nikki posters would have to be at the top of my list for great mom's day gift ides,
here are few of our faves:

jane inc eye pillows are made in the usa of the finest organic cotton and filled with north american grown natural flax and the finest grade of lavender. their packaging is made of the 100% post consumer recycled paper and only earth-friendly water based soy inks are used in its production. you can't beat that.

and finally, check out just a few of our super cards for mom:

eggpress's mama scallop card

eggpress doodle mother's day card

mom heart border card

flowery mother's day card

i love you mom scallop card

dutch door's mom you're one of a kind

smudge ink's thanks for everything, mom card

night owl no.1 mom and danish mom cards

foxy and winston ducky dear mom card


  1. Oooooh! I love, Love, LOVE your blog! Glad I stumbled upon it :)


  2. Got the scallop=edged "mama" card --- I'm sure my own mama will love it! Thanks O'Suz for turning me into the best present- and card-giver ever! Couldn't be without you.
