Friday, March 12

junzo terada

as hard as i tried i could find no real info on the illusive, yet so talented, junzo terada. all i can say is that he is from japan and his work is among a line up of favorites at o'suz. it does mention inside the below box of cards that he is based in osaka and has had numerous exhibitions throughout japan. he also owns a store!!! how cool.

these cards literally fly out every time we have them in.
they are quite amazing and worth at least a peak, unless of course you are a collector of cards, in which case these cards just may have to go with you asap!!!

coming soon, mix and match stationary pack for all ages.

and finally, the sticky notes set. they really could not be cuter. also coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. I was very excited to find your blog. I love reading about new and creative ideas.
