Wednesday, April 8

yard sale at suz's house!!!!

ok, so i am gearing up for a big yard sale at our home in ruckersville. i decided to separate the concepts of "swap" and "sell". there will be some freebies but this first date will be about selling lots of stuff, from both the shop, and my house. anyone who wants to throw in can but i am keeping this one simple. i have lamps, rugs, props from the shop, jewelry, cds, clothes and shoes, (some free but a few things priced), baby stuff, pillows etc..i may add some pics closer to see if anyone wants something but can't come.
i plan to do it sunday april 19th from 10-4. hopefully the weather will cooperate. we might know closer if rain is a definite and then i will have to reschedule but i'm crossing my fingers. we want to list our home soon and this lady needs to purge! the shop will have details as we get closer as well but check here for directions and follow up. melissa, kate, nicole, cindy, patty, aaron, helen, jen, margot, mom hope ya'll will come. i am sending out some emails too so if this overlaps a bit hopefully it will make it on your calendar. i will have coffee early and iced tea in the afternoon but no real food this time. i just want to keep this easy. i plan to do a swap as well but maybe in the summer sometime. let me know if u plan on coming and bring as many friends as will fit in your cars!!!!


  1. Ack! Spoke too soon. I actually have plans that afternoon that I thought were on Saturday. Still might stop by though if I can!

  2. this is going to be so fun!
    i will bring one of my quilts to sell!

  3. Hey, I hope to come, and maybe bring Edwin too! I'm moving and am having a yard sale the day before yours. And what's the first thing you do when you purge...? Go to Suz's and buy more stuff!

  4. victoria, i can send you directions if u want to send us your email address to the email address on the blog.
    i hope u and edwin will come. there are some seriously cool things up for grabs. where and when r u moving?
