Wednesday, February 25


so this year, on march 1rst to be exact, o'suz turns 13. over those 13 years, more often than not, i chose to let the anniversaries pass without a big hoopla, but this year i want to honor the passage of time somehow. my first thought was a big cake and some bubbly, but then i decided last night that it would be fun to hold a raffle. maybe a big shopping spree at o'suz could be the prize? i am thinking that starting this friday, feb 27th, with every purchase made, big or small, customers and friends alike can throw their name or the name of someone they love into our big candy jar. one week later i will let redford draw out a name, or 2, or maybe a big handful, and then the fun begins. we will dole out prizes! sound fun and celebratory? i don't know, i was thinking it could just be a fun way to say thank you and drum up some excitement. i'm imagining the first name drawn will get a $250 shopping spree and the next will get a $100 spree and the next a $25 spree. i do hope that lots of regulars come and do some shopping so that your names might be drawn cuz it's you i'd like to thank. you don't have to buy any more than a card to drop your name in so spread the word to your friends. also, our winter sale is gasping its last breath. lots of cards have been reduced to a dollar or less, so stock up if you haven't already.

please come and help us celebrate our birthday starting friday the 27th by putting in your name to win!
the drawing will be friday afternoon march 6th.
we will be sure to have some giveaways and some cake! hope to see you this next week or so.

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