Friday, January 23

sax are back

i must share the phenomenon that was to take place at o'suz this past christmas. we had been waiting on a huge shipment of envirosax since the fall, only to find that the reason it had not shipped was that they were lacking one or 2 patterns. lo and behold when we finally received it, 2 weeks or so before xmas, we had no idea it would be the hottest thing since say, robert redford in jeremiah johnson. anyhoo, we were to be gobsmacked daily by how many would sell and with such enthusiasm. one lady bought 25 at 10 bucks a pop. it was crazy. even men were coming in dazed and with huge coffees seeking "sacks that tie up and you put them in your bag or something, this lady told me my wife would love one". needless to say we sold the entire shipment of 250 bags, save one style that was a dud, in like 8 days. in all my days of retail i have seen nothing like it. it was my stimulus package for sure. it was my lifeboat. it was retail at it's best. so much for all the media's grim predictions. the next best thing would be to have invented the little buggers. ok, so the point to all this is that THEY R BACK IN FINALLY!
here is a new one that is so so pretty:

all of the above are organic.
below are 3 from their graphic series. these are polyester, waterproof and weigh only 1.4 oz.

hint hint, red for valentines!!!!

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